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Saturday 21 October 2017


Stephen knew he would never sleep. The noises, those horrid noises, would keep him awake all night. It was lightning and thundering loudly outside. And to top it off, someone was in his house.
He heard the sound of scratching and the rattling of metal coming from the kitchen. He was scared to his wit's end. 
His parents were away for a business fair out of town and wont be coming back until tomorrow
He could hear his heartbeat and the obnoxious noises coming from the kitchen, getting louder and louder and finally he couldn't take it any more. He summoned whatever courage he had in him and got out of bed, still trembling.
He was afraid to switch on the light, in case the intruder found out he was awake. So, he blindly searched for something to attack whoever it was keeping him from peaceful sleep. He found a jug and thought it was good enough to throw the person off guard. He slowly crept down the hall and cautiously opened the kitchen door. He couldn't believe his eyes.
Not because what he saw wasn't expected. No. He couldn't believe the fact that he had been so stupid. He had left the back door open. Heavy rain and wind charged through it causing the utensils to rattle. There was a cat, dripping wet, on the counter finishing up what was left of the milk.
Ghosts? What was I thinking? Stephen thought and laughed at himself, startling the cat who obviously thought he'd gone crazy, if cats could think sarcastically that is, because hadn't he? 

                                                                                            by Sidra Fatima

Sunday 15 October 2017


*Friendship as a gift*
Friendship is a gift,
That lives within the heart,
No matter how much we try,
We don’t realize how it start.

But the happiness it brings you,
Always gives you a special lift,
Then you realize the friendship,
Is on e of the God’s most precious gift.

-- -RAFEEKA 10-A

Book Review

Title: A Brief History Of Time
Author: Stephen Hawking
A brief history of time(1988) is a book written by the
scientist and a mathematician Stephen Hawking. This
book is about physics or the study of laws that predict
how things work in the universe. It is also about bout
how we see the universe and how the universe exists. In
this book, Hawking talks about many theories in
physics. Some of the things that he includes in them are
the history of physics, gravity, how light moves in the
universe, the space time, elementary particles, the black
hole, the big bang and time travel.
Favorite part: The most interesting thing that I found as
I was reading is that the author explains each concept so
clearly that grabs the readers attention. The most
fascinating fact is that black hole ain't black.
Recommendation: I would advise all the students
especially the physics lovers as well as adults to read
this book because the way in which it's written is just

- Jenab Alarakha