Friday 2 February 2018

Imagine That You Can Become Invisible Whenever You Want. What Are The Some Of The Things You Would Do?

Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you want. What are the some of the things you would do?

If I was invisible I would help people in the society. I would visit those places where the anti-social wander at large and deter them from committing any crime. I would visit the offices of authorities anytime to watch if they are carrying on their duties properly. I would visit hospitals anytime to watch if the doctors are treating the patients properly.  I would visit the factories to check is if anybody is practising child labour. I will use my invisibility to fight evils in the society and do good for the people.           

Done by Nasiha Fathima  6 – A


  1. very nice and good imagination

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wooow,it's very interesting and I learned some facts about being invisible

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ur story was ...great it had good content

  7. I would find out the thieves and killers
