Friday 22 December 2017

Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to what are the some of the things you would do.

If I were invisible, there are many things I would do and some of them are that I would help people in the society; I would visit those places where the people who commit crimes wander at large numbers and deter them from committing any sort of crime. I would do my best to stop the attempts of terrorism. I would visit the offices of authorities anytime to watch if they are carrying off their duties properly. If I were invisible I would visit hospitals anytime to watch if the doctors are treating the patients properly.  I would visit the factories to check is if anybody is practicing child labor. I will use my invisibility to fight evils in the society and do well for the people.        

           Done by - Nasiha Fathima    6 – A


  1. It was very nice but try to add some happening and fabulous things like enjoyment...... but well done 😊😊
