Friday 22 December 2017

Feel Love, Be Kind and Have Courage

The education system of the world is falling apart. The thought that we children are going to be the adults of the next generation really worries me. In a 2016 national survey of college freshmen, the number of students who say they will major in education has reached its lowest point in 45 years. Just 4.2 percent intend to major in education—a typical first step to becoming a teacher. Take those numbers and add them to the poor rates of teacher retention in many public schools, and it equals a serious problem for students who all deserve a “caring, qualified and committed educator,” as NEA President Lily Eskelsen GarcĂ­a says. Did you know that teaching one of the most underpaid jobs in the world?  I mean for what they do. Just imagine walking into a class full of annoying, disobedient children. So what I am trying to say is that for educational reformation both sides need to be developed for success. Don’t we realize that what we are taught here is the only barrier we can use to protect ourselves in the future? We as humans have lost what’s most important “Humanity”. To every child who has been belittled based on their performance, let me tell you, you are yet to discover the magic in you. Be it a fisherman, a vegetable seller, a doctor or an actor, be the best of the kind. For finding our dreams we need an environment that we want to be in, a happy, educative, fun and peaceful place. We need adults who find our capability whatever it is, be it sports, math, science or language. And once a child finds out his or her dream they will in turn get good marks in order to achieve it. These tests shouldn’t be things that define a child’s capability but a mere medium to revise. At a tender our minds have been molded, our parent’s minds have been molded; our entire society’s minds have been molded into this false notion of education. We have forgotten our morals, in our desperation to get good marks. It may seem like marks are everything, which a part of it is but not entirely! Those students who brag and feel superior for a number, those students who talk behind a child’s back because of his/her marks, those students who hate their peers because of their marks, When they  grow up, Let me tell you when they grow up in this harsh, rude world, They will realize that “Oh, how I wish I learnt with my heart and not for a number” “How I wish I cared for those who felt down” “How I wish I was enlightened. I cannot take it, I want to tell everyone how we should be educated. I want to tell every child that there is something in you. It is there. And if you unlock it you will be able to pass every test, every obstacle, every mean comment and every challenge. Feel love, have courage and be kind. Love, kindness and courage will take you through it all. Have courage and you will pass with flying colors, have kindness and heal the hearts of stone cold men. Factual knowledge is important but who are we if we cannot connect with our brothers sisters both blood and non-blood related. My people there is more to this world then we what we see, more to the universe then what we know, more to the sea then what we discovered and there is love, there is love covered up in dust and ashes. As the adults of the next generation, we can’t keep snapchatting and instreaming our food and faces. We need to change. We need to be taught how to be human and being human is being smart, clever, kind and strong. To every teacher out there, I thank you. I thank you for what you are doing.  I thank you for entering into a class to hear the same unenthusiastic “Good Morning”. I thank you for keeping on hearing the complaints and yet teaching tirelessly. I genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart. And as for the students, I am inspired by your facts and figures, I am inspired by your ability by your to keep quiet even when you are being humiliated, I am inspired by your skill to say “I didn’t learn anything” and still get good marks. You inspire me. Every one of you is inspiring. But we also have a down. If we don’t improve, then nothing will ever happen. Let’s put our ego down. I am not telling this as a student, or as a teacher or as a teenager, I am telling this as a human. Let’s stop saying and believing that “Ah these students will never learn” and “Ah these teachers will never teach” Can’t all the teachers say my students have places to go, things to say and people to impress. My students have more than facts, more than figures, more than pride, they have love and kindness and courage and the power to shake the world. Can’t we all as students say my teachers have changed me, my teacher brought light into my life. My teacher woke me up from my slumber and showed me facts I never knew, made me feel emotions I never felt, made me think about things I never thought. My teacher shook the world for me. My people love is a powerful thing. Love connects the world. It makes us smile, makes us feel and makes us care. Kindness is a powerful thing. It makes us believe that we are all brothers and sisters. It makes us give. It makes us beautiful and gives us unconditional satisfaction. Above all have courage. Courage is magic. Courage is what makes your voice audible in a crowd. Courage is when you are so nervous that you may wet your pants but you still stand up tall. Courage my sisters will take you many places.
“Feel love, be kind and have courage” and you will do wondrous things. When I end clap for you. Because it is you, I mean every teacher and every student; it is you that inspired me. Your voice is with mine and my voice will never be audible without yours. So I thank you for you amazing contribution.

By:- Sara


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