Wednesday 20 December 2017

3 Time Management Tips That Actually Work.

3 Time Management Tips That Actually Work.
Time management can be tough. How can we manage our time to live healthier and happier
? Do the things that we know are important, and still handle the responsibilities that are urgent?
1.      Eliminate half–work at all costs.
In our age of constant distraction, it's easy to split our attention between what we should be doing and what society bombards us with. Usually, we're balancing the needs of messages, emails, and to–do lists at the same time that we are trying to get something accomplished. It's rare that we are fully engaged in the task at hand.
Call this division of your time and energy “half–work.”
Here are some examples of half–work
·        You start writing a report, but stop randomly to check your phone for no reason or to open up Facebook or Twitter.
·        Your mind wanders to your email inbox while you're on the phone with someone.

2.      Do the most important thing first.

The decisions and choices that you make throughout the day tend to drain your willpower.
·        If you do the most important thing first, then you’ll never have a day when you didn’t get something important done.
·        By following this simple strategy, you will usually end up having a productive day, even if everything doesn't go according to plan.

3.      Reduce the scope, but stick to the schedule.
No matter what the circumstance and no matter how small the work, you know you're going to finish today's task. That's how little goals become lifetime habits.
Finish something today, even if the scope is smaller than you expected.

By Rahat Mulla


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