Friday 22 December 2017


Values in our life act as a star in our personality… Values are the brightness of a person’s personality. Values like respect, compassion, honesty, responsibility etc. make us a good person.
     Without moral values, a person is not just incomplete rather is considered completely incomplete.
A person is never judged on his/her looks, he/she is always  liked or disliked based on his/her character and the way he portraits his moral qualities. If the character of a person is not good, none of it matters. Good character in a person is build up by values.
Values work like cement which help build a strong house called character… A person is liked by everyone if he/she has a good behaviour;  the colour complexion, the outer beauty- none of that matters!
So, values are the building blocks which end up building a beautiful and strong tower- a good hearted person…..

                                                                                                                        -RIYA RAJESH KUMAR
                                                                                                                                              8TH B



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