Wednesday 20 December 2017


This is for all those who blame circumstances, God and Luck for them being unsuccessful or fail also thinks that they are the unluckiest person in the world and doesn’t even have an atom of Talent or skill. Hey! People listen why being so negative, why? Do you think you don’t have Talent for anything, Why do you think you can’t achieve best things, Why believing that you can achieve only average goals. No, God didn’t your personality like this; it’s you who made yourself like who you are now. You are like this because you always taught your mind that Hard Work is not your ability and you can never achieve anything good. No one can make you better until you yourself ready to stretch out your helping hands to the little soul inside you and bring him out “FROM THE FEAR OF FAILURE TO THE JOY OF SUCCESS” or just in a simple word “LOVE YOURSELF”. Loving yourself means accepting who you are and with courage and confidence still trying to achieve small-small steps of success, hoping it will be a very big step one day. Accepting yourself and thinking nobody is like you and keep moving on will build confident inside you of doing many odd victories, which others are yet to achieve. If you start believing and loving yourself then I assure no obstacles in the world can stop you from winning success.

BY –UNSA AFTAB      10th- B


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