Wednesday 20 December 2017


INEFFABLE LIFE                                        
Life is hard and rough
Well, doesn't all say that too much
They say we make life harder
That's just their way to sympathize with each other
We need things, we want things
We lose things, we find things
Everyone wants to live fuller
But do we work to make it better
Problems may come and go
Happiness we find in people may come and go
And just like that life flows
We wake up every day wishing for something good
 To have a better mood
We expect more from our lives than we should
But we all know one way or the other
That lying to ourselves just causes clutter
We all reminisce our past
Because we all know that life may not last.
Life is short, so enjoy it
Life is short, so support it
Think of something that makes you happy and lives for it
As some quote says "Life is too short to be living with stress
And we are way too young to be depressed"
By Vajiha Nazir   X-D


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