Wednesday 20 December 2017

How Can Certain People Influence Your Life In A Good Way?

How Can Certain People Influence Your Life In A
Good Way?
     Mom’s lessons hold true for children, teens, college students, and adults. It is well documented that our fundamental beliefs and attitudes are greatly influenced by the people we allow into our lives. When we associate with others who have a greater skill set or have achieved more, we are challenged. It brings out the best in us and inspires us to do better. Observing and modeling someone’s positive example will help us reach new heights. Surrounding ourselves with optimistic and uplifting people has a direct cause and effect on our demeanor, confidence level and performance. It’s all positive! If we hang out with pessimistic people who are critical of us, their negative comments will likely impact how we view our abilities and our self-image. There are always people who are there to support us hence we must always keep a good image and do our best to live a happy and fulfilling life.
Ayesha Moosa
10 A


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