Wednesday 20 December 2017

Hypocrite That Is Who You Are

Hypocrite That Is Who You Are
Past in the past, we don't dwell on the past; we should live in the today, and future is the next today. This is a principle taught by everyone to anyone; a principle that not only co-relates in accordance with moral values but also other different genres of lessons. While this is a thinking encouraged among the society of new and old, the hypocritical behavior of our fellow homo sapiens shows through the most, when this thought is given attention.
Can't believe what I say? Or is it like, you don't want to believe the harsh truth of our "refurbished" society? Do you require an example to process this thought in your minds? I can give you that.
From our kindergarten years till the end of our school years, we've continuously been taught about peace and moral values, about how we should abide by them with every step we take, yet this is a teaching that is not followed by the people who teach us. The eyes might have not been able to detect this, but don't think what you don't see isn't the truth. Whilst some schools have strict invigilators monitoring us, there are invigilators also found who openly supply the textbooks to refer to, when the students are writing their exams. Need another example? Alright.
Here's another example of how hypocrisy in schools works. KHDA, when those dudes come, boy, do we put on a good show. Whatever happens, in schools start to take place, and it only lasts for the week the KHDA would be there to inspect us. They say us not to lie, to be honest, yet they make us put on a show and order us to only give positive feedback about our school if a KHDA inspector were to ask us anything.
Another kind of hypocrisy in school systems I find; is when our teachers say us to voice our thoughts and blah blah blah, yet when we do, we are deemed disrespectful and expected to act like robots when we are only just humans. They said, 'You need to study to get good grades, you need to study hard if you ever want to achieve success in life.' But it is a funny world, isn't it? All successful people I know of, are all high school/college drop-outs. Ferdinand Alexander Porsche didn't even graduate his design school, for his Porsche 119 to be a best seller.
School systems are just a minor examples of hypocrisy, but if I had to point fingers to point out worldly examples of hypocrisy, then can I point at Caste system, Orthodox men, Patriots, Doctors, Homophobes or Trump supporters, without offending anyone? And if I'd have to poke, prod and give reasons for each of these, about why I consider them all hypocrites, then this piece would be much longer than I'd want it to be.
My point being, when you teach someone something you don't follow through yourself, it's turned into a myth. Like unicorns, they are often mentioned regarding topics relating to happiness. But who knows? A unicorn could be a hybrid between a Horse and a  Rhino. Okay, a weird example, but I'm just saying, that if the world continues to teach facts they don't abide by, it would become a myth, everyone has heard of it but no one knows if it exists. This would be the future of moral values and peace.

10 A


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