Thursday 21 December 2017


-Reem 11th B
Time always runs and changes the generations, this is one of the biggest truths of life and no one can deny it. The difference of mental situation and lack of understanding among young and old people is called the real generation gap and is very difficult to fill up unless they would not spend time with each other and tries to accept each other as they are. It can be viewed in many terms related to their spoken language, style of clothing and fashion, their own views and thoughts, values and morals etc.
The main reason behind the generation gap is mainly the lack of time for communication and understanding each other inside the family members. Another reason of generation gap is the increased competition among people in the area of education and professional life, which makes people so involved in their own life thus they don’t get time for their loved ones and just make their self, the isolated world from others. This lack of trust and understanding between parents and children is affecting the very foundation of our families.

On the bright side, there are several ways to tackle this issue. The generation gap has always been there and it is quite normal for parents and children to have different opinions. Parents need to realize that it is normal for their children to have opinions. They should make a conscious effort to spend more time with their children. Family outings and vacations are great opportunities for bonding. They try to understand and appreciate others with their own views and morals.


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