Thursday 21 December 2017


Health is a very Important Issue to be taken care of.What is Health? When people think of “healthy,” they often think of “disease-free.” This is probably one of the main reasons to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. A person is said to be healthy when he/ she have a good amount of energy, capable of handling situation and emotions. Not everyone has an apple a day. Health is something very precious, without health, there is no wealth. 

We all want to be healthy, happy, free of stress and more productive in life, but how can we be healthy is a question? There many ways to be healthy such as 1.Get enough sleep, the minimum amount of sleep an adult should get is 9-10 hours. 2. Drink enough of water, a person should drink about 8 glasses of water a day. 3. Eat healthy food 4.Exercise 5. Happiness is an important key to be healthy, scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune system stronger, and our lives longer. So happiness is directly related to health. If you are happy you can make others happy. These are some important ways to be healthy but there is much more to be a healthy person.

A person of perfect health does not shirk his duties. He can work properly and leaves nothing undone. As a student, he shines in his examinations. As a public worker, he renders valuable service and is duly rewarded.Therefore, good health is a priceless blessing in life. The famous saying ‘Health is Wealth‘ highlights the importance of good health in our life.
Thank you
- Ashfiya Nadim


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