Wednesday 20 December 2017

Video Games: yay or nay!

Video Games ... Is Good For You?

While it may be disliked by parents, and wives around the world, the video game industry is a permanent part of our world. From its humble beginnings in the 80s, the video game industry has exploded into a ten-billion-dollar subculture.

Stress Relief

Video games are an excellent way to relieve stress. For the average non-gamer, in fact, spending 15 or 20 minutes a day playing an easy to learn, though difficult to conquer.However, the more complex and involved games may actually be more effective than their simpler brethren.

Quicker Decision Making

This tends to go hand-in-hand with the previous example. Logical skills are a good thing, but they lose their luster if used slowly. Quick thinking skills are a good thing but can be disastrous without proper logic. Putting the two together, however, can have an immensely beneficial impact on your life. Most games give you a time limit on reaching a decision.
These three arguments are actually enough to make me believe that everyone should play video games. Everyone knows that stress relief is becoming increasingly important as our world becomes increasingly stressful. Quick decision making and logical reasoning are huge assets in life. So, video games are not bad, It’s our duty to play correct games according to our age.

Afra Bavassa
10 A


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