Wednesday 20 December 2017

Better alone than in a bad company.

Better alone than in a bad company.

The bad company always knocks but belonging or not belonging depends on you. It is as contagious as a good company. It spreads like wildfire. It does no good to anybody and it just destroys all the good moral present in you which keeps you going in life.
 Being alone is way better than having a company that will just break you down when it is gone. A person is known by the company they keep and he is seen as a moral and intelligent person when he is seen moving with well-behaved and intelligent people. It is actually worse than a cobra. A cobra’s bite invites quick death but the bad company’s sting makes a man suffer forever. When still in school or college, people are more prone to fall prey to the bad company than adults. Grown-ups are much aware of the consequences of the bad company due to their mature age and rich experience of life. But the teens are misled and all this results in them doing unwise and foolish acts and it brings the bad name, disgrace, and unhappiness not only for themselves but for all those who had once considered them the only hope for the family.
So to conclude I would just like to say that “Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in a bad company.”
                           DONE BY:
                                       KHADIJAH NADEEM


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