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Friday 22 December 2017

Exercise With A Smile

 Smiling a lot is a valued trait. People who often smile sincerely radiate like ability, connect easily with others and are appreciated more.
By smiling, you make a positive impression that will assist in making contacts and reaching your goals. Moreover, smiling makes you feel good. However, not all smiles are created equal, and it is not a good idea to smile in every situation.
Let's face it, smiling is not always as easy as it looks, which might be why we often indulge in it so sparingly. When all is said and done, it takes a bit of practice to turn smiling into a habit. In this article I will provide you with some ideas on how to practise, in the hopes of putting a pleasant smile on your face that stays there for a long time.
If you make it second nature to smile easily in different situations, it won't take that much effort to smile disarmingly when the tension rises somewhat. In order to do that, you need to practise smiling. By experiencing how it feels to smile you can also observe how your smile comes across to others, and how they react to it: Smiling often will give you the self-confidence to keep on smiling.

Jenab Alarakha

English is…

English is a thief; it steals my life.
English can make my tongue twist into a knot.
English is a hard rock; we must break through it.

English is a symphony, so marvellous.
English is an art.
English is a slice of bread I eat every day.

English is a hunter; it kills many students.
English is very, very troublesome.
English is A for apple, B for boy and C for cat.

English is trying your best.
English is a never-ending game.
English is a bowl of herbal tea.

English is a very big cake; we must eat it bit by bit.
English is tests and quizzes.

         - Jenab Alarakha

Poem- "Trapped"

Can I hide my face
under the covers
and keep the thoughts
from taking over?
I am bewildered and lonely.
I am stuck in a trance that keeps me
from accomplishing anything
that is deemed worthy.
I am forced to reckon with the
disturbing and confusing.

What the hell am I doing
with my life right now?

I am on an endless cycle
of just going through the motions.
It's me just existing. It's not me
really living.
It's exhausting.
I don't know how to change it.
I feel trapped.

-Mahnoosh Mirza



“Life is what you make it. Find your own path to fulfilment.” We all need to have a path in and for life. A right path ensures a successful life. We must always know what we want in life.
We must have a clear vision and a big dream for ourselves. Only after this can we determine if our path to achieving our dream is the right one. We need to ‘introspect’ ourselves which is nothing but to examine and consider our own ideas, thoughts, and feelings to know if we are on the right path.
Our virtues and conscience help us in introspecting ourselves. Thus, every one of us needs to have virtues inculcated in ourselves and always listen to our conscience. We need to question all that we are doing and want to do. If the answer is virtuous and is quite acceptable, only then we are on the right path and if it is not, then we are not on the right path. If so we need to bring ourselves to change what we are doing and lead the right path in life.
The right path guarantees an absolutely victorious life. Thus, it is important to have one. Big dreams, hard work, and determination in the right path ensure an utterly wonderful life.


Me & Sleep

Sleep and I, we have a complicated relationship. When I was teeny weeny toddler, me and sleep never had much of a connection, but now things have changed, I go through one of those clingy-attachment issues with sleep. Now I feel like mathematics, like the Y that can't stop himself from trying to find his X every single time we ever try to solve his problems.
But as much as I can relate to Y, me and sleep?  Our relationship is sort of different from any others. Okay, maybe not really. Whilst sleep is so patient and tolerant with me as I go through my daily busy schedule that mostly consist of: insomnia, pulling an-all-nighter to watch K-dramas, and studying all night so I could achieve success at my "work" place. Seriously, sleep should be awarded "The Best Boyfriend Ever Award," I don't think anyone could be as best as sleep itself.
In our auspicious relationship, whenever we get some "alone time," which is mostly every night for 4-5 hours, we do our very best to utilize that precious time to go on dates, while some might not make any sense at, some are bearable. Sleep likes to take me on a date to carnivals a lot, he does know I'm not very fond of carnivals, yet he still insists I might come to love it if I get used to it. Sleep's most favorite game at the carnival is that game. What is it called again? Oh yes! Push-me-off-a-cliff. I almost suffer from heart attacks because of that game. The keyword here is 'Almost.'
Sleep wasn't the brightest when it came to taking me out on dates; it was a flaw of his that I have come to accept. Sleep wasn't flawless but at the same time, he wasn't full of flaws too. Albeit he is stupid at times (when it comes to planning out dates), he can be amazing too, he is that non-judgmental, ever-loving guy who doesn't leave you even if you're filled with tons of imperfections. Sleep never made me feel like the loneliest person, he never declared me as 'unfit' for a world of corruption and depression. During the times I've felt vulnerable, Sleep has always accepted me with open arms, pulling me into a dark abyss of peacefulness; he was always the shoulder I've cried on, the one I've leaned on in my sickness and also gone for consolation whenever I turned into a spit-fire in anger.

But despite all this, my Grandmother and maybe every other "adult" I know of, has always warned me from spending too much of my time with him, some even went far enough to put a curfew for me when I went on dates with him. Some tried to get me to keep him as a secret, as if he was some embarrassment I should deal less with; they said he is cryptic and the dates he took me on are all just some secret message for a wee bit of the future and it shouldn't be discussed, it's considered a bad omen. I didn't know that.
All these words everybody uttered into my ear had an effect on me. They got me thinking all these thoughts I never bothered to think of. Sleep is cryptic and mysterious and maybe a wee bit strange too. He took me on dates, yet he still invites some of my friends with us. How could that be considered a date!? It was always strange when the next day came and none of my friends would even have an ounce of a memory of the day we spent with Sleep. They didn't remember his mask of drowsiness nor his body of pillows, not even his pet Laziness who accompanied Sleep wherever he went. I mean who could forget Laziness? That little bundle of joy just seems so charming and so enchanting, Laziness wasn't a pet you could forget so easily, but they did forget him though.  Strange.
But eh who cares?  Certainly not me.  I'm set on never leaving Sleep, and as cheesy as it sounds, without him I can't function properly (literally, at least in human terms).


10 A

Hypocrite That Is Who You Are

Past in the past, we don't dwell in the past; we should live in the today, and future is the next today. This is a principle taught by everyone to anyone; a principle that not only co-relates in accordance to moral values but also other different genres of lessons. While this is a thinking encouraged among the society of new and old, the hypocritical behavior of our fellow homosapiens shows through the most, when this thought is given attention.
Can't believe what I say? Or is it like, you don't want to believe the harsh truth of our "refurbished" society? Do you require an example to process this thought in your minds? I can give you that.
From our kindergarten years till the end of our school years, we've continuously been taught about peace and moral values, about how we should abide by them with every step we take, yet this is a teaching that is not followed by the people who teach us. The eyes might have not been able to detect this, but don't think what you don't see isn't the truth. Whilst some schools have strict invigilators monitoring us, there are invigilators also found who openly supply the textbooks to refer from, when the students are writing their exams. Need another example? Alright.
Here's another example of how hypocrisy in schools work. KHDA, when those dudes come, boy, do we put on a good show. What never happens in schools start to take place, and it only lasts for the week the KHDA would be there to inspect us. They say us not to lie, to be honest, yet they make us put on a show and order us to only give positive feedback about our school, if a KHDA inspector were to ask us anything.
Another kind of hypocrisy in school systems I find; is when our teachers say us to voice our thoughts and blah blah blah, yet when we do, we are deemed disrespectful and expected to act like robots when we are only just humans. They said, 'You need to study to get good grades, you need to study hard if you ever want achieve success in life.' But it is a funny world, isn't it? All successful people I know of, are all high school/college drop-outs. Ferdinand Alexander Porsche didn't even graduate his design school, for his Porsche 119 to be a best seller.
School systems are just a minor examples of hypocrisy, but if I had to point fingers to point out worldly examples of hypocrisy, then can I point at Caste system, Orthodox men, Patriots, Doctors, Homophobes or Trump supporters, without offending anyone? And if I'd have to poke, prod and give reasons for each of these, about why I consider them all hypocrites, then this piece would be much more longer than I'd want it to be.
My point being, when you teach someone something you don't follow through yourself, it's turns into a myth. Like unicorns, they are often mentioned regarding topics relating to happiness. But who knows? A unicorn could be a hybrid between a Horse and a  Rhino. Okay, weird example, but I'm just saying, that if the world continues to teach facts they don't abide by, it would become a myth, everyone has heard of it but no one knows if it exists. This would be the future for moral values and peace.


10 A


As a fifteen year old teenager of 2017, my hobbies, like many of the girls these days, include looking at makeup, buying make up and applying makeup. I’m just so obsessed with makeup, in general, I even aim to be a MUA (Make-up Artist). I’d like to think I’m contributing to the society, by enhancing the beauty of our fellow people. This article is just a first step towards “The Big Goal.”

Ladies, make up is an art and I’ll be pointing out the massive “Don’ts” in your painting. Now these are just the things I observe a lot of females doing it in wrong, and let me be the first to inform you (If you aren’t already aware) the wrong way you do your makeup can be dangerous for your health and face. The wrong way causes the naturally beautiful you to wither away. It basically ruins the gorgeous face you already own. So the next time you touch, look or apply makeup, be sure to keep these little facts in your mind:
1.. Testing the right foundation according to your skin tone: This seems like a no-brainer, but we've all done it. Why would we test foundation on our hands when we'll be wearing it on our faces? Your face and hand are often not the same color as they don't receive the same amount of sun exposure. Try foundation on your jawline for a perfect match.


2. The wrong place to apply your concealer: If you think you're done hiding your blemishes or under-eye circles with just a dab of product, think again. Even with primer, concealer can shift and reveal your darkest (or reddest) skin secrets. Lock the look down with a light dusting of translucent powder.

3. Bronzer isn’t for your whole face: If you want to fake a sun-kissed glow, use self-tanner on your face, not bronzer — your pale hairline and neck will be a dead giveaway. Lightly apply a subtly shimmery bronzer to the bridge of your nose, cheekbones, chin, and forehead to mimic a real tan.

4. Too much foundation? Never:  Unless you're hiding discoloration or blemishes, there is no reason to apply foundation to your entire face — it can make you look as if you're wearing a mask. Instead, focus on trouble areas like the T-zone, around the nose, and under the eyes, leaving the rest of your skin fresh.

5. Do you wash your brushes? Regularly:
We've all been guilty of this from time to time. Even most makeup artists confess that the time-consuming brush-cleaning process is their least favorite part of the job. But even if you don't care that dirty brushes can make you break out, don't forget that they're affecting your makeup application. Not only will the colors be all muddled together, but a precise technique is rendered way more complicated — the bristles are already overloaded with pigment, blurring that perfect cut crease to oblivion.

6. Makeup isn’t a blanket you need to sleep with: Yes, you know that this is bad. After all, it's probably why the beauty industry invented cleansing wipes! But it doesn't just cause breakouts — falling asleep with a dirty face can make you look older sooner. Makeup settles in your pores and stretches them out, which is permanent over time. Enlarged pores = rough, aged skin. Trust us, if we knew all along that a clean face was the key to keeping our skin dewy and youthful, we would have created better habits long ago.

7. Skip your base!
If you wonder why your at-home manicures never last more than a few days without a major chip, it's for this reason. Base coat grips the lacquer, resulting in a more durable, glossy paint job.

8. The Right Blush Formula:
Hopefully you're not calling it a day after swirling two clown-like circles on your cheeks! Smile, then apply blush from the apples of the cheeks along your cheekbones to your temples, making sure the color is blended.

9. The perfect lighting for your makeup:
It might feel silly to do your makeup sitting on your porch, but that could give you your best results! Always aim to put your face on in not just a well-lit room, but in a space with lighting most similar to your destination. If you're heading to your sunny office after a slapdash makeup application in your dark bathroom, we guarantee your co-workers will see your blend

10. Difference between Primer and Foundation:
This is a huge mistake that we were making up until a few months ago. If you use a water-based foundation (look in the ingredients!), don't pair it with a silicone-based primer. It won't work nearly as well and can even cause the product to pill up. Use water-based foundations with water-based primers and matching silicone primers and foundations for best results.


-Sadia ahmed

Feel Love, Be Kind and Have Courage

The education system of the world is falling apart. The thought that we children are going to be the adults of the next generation really worries me. In a 2016 national survey of college freshmen, the number of students who say they will major in education has reached its lowest point in 45 years. Just 4.2 percent intend to major in education—a typical first step to becoming a teacher. Take those numbers and add them to the poor rates of teacher retention in many public schools, and it equals a serious problem for students who all deserve a “caring, qualified and committed educator,” as NEA President Lily Eskelsen García says. Did you know that teaching one of the most underpaid jobs in the world?  I mean for what they do. Just imagine walking into a class full of annoying, disobedient children. So what I am trying to say is that for educational reformation both sides need to be developed for success. Don’t we realize that what we are taught here is the only barrier we can use to protect ourselves in the future? We as humans have lost what’s most important “Humanity”. To every child who has been belittled based on their performance, let me tell you, you are yet to discover the magic in you. Be it a fisherman, a vegetable seller, a doctor or an actor, be the best of the kind. For finding our dreams we need an environment that we want to be in, a happy, educative, fun and peaceful place. We need adults who find our capability whatever it is, be it sports, math, science or language. And once a child finds out his or her dream they will in turn get good marks in order to achieve it. These tests shouldn’t be things that define a child’s capability but a mere medium to revise. At a tender our minds have been molded, our parent’s minds have been molded; our entire society’s minds have been molded into this false notion of education. We have forgotten our morals, in our desperation to get good marks. It may seem like marks are everything, which a part of it is but not entirely! Those students who brag and feel superior for a number, those students who talk behind a child’s back because of his/her marks, those students who hate their peers because of their marks, When they  grow up, Let me tell you when they grow up in this harsh, rude world, They will realize that “Oh, how I wish I learnt with my heart and not for a number” “How I wish I cared for those who felt down” “How I wish I was enlightened. I cannot take it, I want to tell everyone how we should be educated. I want to tell every child that there is something in you. It is there. And if you unlock it you will be able to pass every test, every obstacle, every mean comment and every challenge. Feel love, have courage and be kind. Love, kindness and courage will take you through it all. Have courage and you will pass with flying colors, have kindness and heal the hearts of stone cold men. Factual knowledge is important but who are we if we cannot connect with our brothers sisters both blood and non-blood related. My people there is more to this world then we what we see, more to the universe then what we know, more to the sea then what we discovered and there is love, there is love covered up in dust and ashes. As the adults of the next generation, we can’t keep snapchatting and instreaming our food and faces. We need to change. We need to be taught how to be human and being human is being smart, clever, kind and strong. To every teacher out there, I thank you. I thank you for what you are doing.  I thank you for entering into a class to hear the same unenthusiastic “Good Morning”. I thank you for keeping on hearing the complaints and yet teaching tirelessly. I genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart. And as for the students, I am inspired by your facts and figures, I am inspired by your ability by your to keep quiet even when you are being humiliated, I am inspired by your skill to say “I didn’t learn anything” and still get good marks. You inspire me. Every one of you is inspiring. But we also have a down. If we don’t improve, then nothing will ever happen. Let’s put our ego down. I am not telling this as a student, or as a teacher or as a teenager, I am telling this as a human. Let’s stop saying and believing that “Ah these students will never learn” and “Ah these teachers will never teach” Can’t all the teachers say my students have places to go, things to say and people to impress. My students have more than facts, more than figures, more than pride, they have love and kindness and courage and the power to shake the world. Can’t we all as students say my teachers have changed me, my teacher brought light into my life. My teacher woke me up from my slumber and showed me facts I never knew, made me feel emotions I never felt, made me think about things I never thought. My teacher shook the world for me. My people love is a powerful thing. Love connects the world. It makes us smile, makes us feel and makes us care. Kindness is a powerful thing. It makes us believe that we are all brothers and sisters. It makes us give. It makes us beautiful and gives us unconditional satisfaction. Above all have courage. Courage is magic. Courage is what makes your voice audible in a crowd. Courage is when you are so nervous that you may wet your pants but you still stand up tall. Courage my sisters will take you many places.
“Feel love, be kind and have courage” and you will do wondrous things. When I end clap for you. Because it is you, I mean every teacher and every student; it is you that inspired me. Your voice is with mine and my voice will never be audible without yours. So I thank you for you amazing contribution.

By:- Sara

Stronger than ever

WHAT KEEPS YOU UP THINKING OF THE NEXT DAY!!? What seems so trust worthy at one moment and not at another!? Well this is the important question WHO PUTS ALL THOSE FEELINGS TO THE REST!??
FRIENDS, everyone needs a friend someone to pick them up when they fall someone to help their opinion get by others. Yes or no!?
Well maybe. YES, we all need one good friend and without him/her we can get by, and we can live out our lives. But with a friend you do that with help, with a smile on your face the entire way because no matter what happens they will always find a way to make you smile, when you’re having a bad day
"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life."  J




When I’ m by myself
And I close my eyes
I’m a twin
I’m a dimple on a chin
I’m a room full of toys
I’m a squeaky noise
I’m a gospel song
I’m a leaf turning red
I’m whatever I want to be
And when I open my eyes
What is care to be
Is me

Done by:Nagzath Kulzum. 8-C

!!Good morning!!

I woke early one morning
The earth lay cool and still.
When suddenly a tiny bird
Perched on my windowsill.
It sang so lovely song
So care free, and so gay.
Then slowly all my troubles
Began to slip away.
It stands off far places
Of laughter and pain.
I was having so much fun
And it brought my morning Sun.
Alina Agha      9C

My Spring Vacation

My Spring Vacation......My Experience......IT WAS SOO MUCH FUN, REALLY AMAZING!!!
The first day or the vacation was nothing special , just that I got some extra time to play down with my friends . Usually we play badminton, but that day we played like so many games, it’s just that I enjoyed it very much.
I used to go down everyday to play, but sometimes we also used to go out with my cousins . I remember, it was my dad’s birthday, and we went to have a BBQ with cousins, relatives and all, the best thing was that we planned to have the BBQ on a rainy day . Me and my cousins, we like literally bathed in the rain.
But unfortunately, the BBQ FAILED!!!
But my uncle gave an idea as he lives in a villa, he told that why don’t we go to his villa and have the BBQ and so we all went to his villa.
All the mummy’s were in the kitchen, all the daddy’s were heating the BBQ thing, all the small kids were watching TV and we...”the teenagers”...we were sitting in the room, gossiping and busy with our gadgets, doing fun.
We had it and said goodbye to each other and went back to our houses.
You know what!!! The most exciting thing is that...........I learned swimming, YAHOO!!

 By Meher

THANK U.......

True wisdom comes from experience……

True wisdom means the simple things we do for they can take us where we need to go. Wisdom is something that can only be learned through personal experience that means you have to learn, feel and experience life lessons on our own then maybe you could get your wisdom. So there are many ways you can gain wisdom you can read, observe, reflect on your actions, teach and learn at the same time, listen to the good and copy the good. My father would always tell me that a wise people always got discipline and the bridge between the goals and accomplishment and with that they will succeed in achieving their goals.life is all about the choices you make ,the opportunities you are able to catch .

Our Wallet’s Biggest Enemy

Expensive, luxurious goods are always the most desired items and our wallet’s biggest enemy. Luxury or expensive items often come with a lot of tempting advertisements, and together with that, the peer pressure to own them.
Everyone talks about them to the point that you feel that you do need such items in your lives. We feel they are better than the same thing that we can have which was a fraction of the price but are they really worth the satisfaction that they promise to bring? Does a pen that costs RM200 look and feel much better than your standard ballpoint pen that costs 50 cents? Can this be justified and rationalised? Is the feel good factor here more important than everything else, to the point that we need to splurge our hard earned money for the feeling of something nice?
To begin, we need to understand what luxury items actually are. Luxury items are goods or items that are priced at a premium, compared to a similar product or function that are priced cheaper.
While it cannot be denied that many luxury products are usually of a better build and quality, we can sometimes find similar but cheaper ones that work just as well. As such, just because something costs more, it does not mean that there are no substitutes for that item. While luxury items are definitely nice to have, they are not and never are a necessity. These reasons include that the items are made from better ingredients and materials, or having better craftsmanship, thus justifying the otherwise unreasonable price that they command. Therein lies the rub. Are you buying something which is a necessity or is an ego trip to be the person with the most expensive bag amongst your friends, or the best clothes? The feeling of owning something that you know is better than the rest is a pleasure that many of us actively enjoy and revel in. For example, we all need clothes to cover our body. If that is the function, then any clothing will do.

Mehek Khan


My Hero

In life people may come and go, some will be remembered and some are forgotten. I’ll never forget the person who is known as my second parent,who did efforts for me to gain knowledge, the one who has been my guide for so many years, the one who scolds and corrects me when I am doing wrong, the one who has been there as I face to reach the stepping stones in my life. The one who appreciates my efforts, the one who is always there to feed me a bit full of information that I might use someday.
How would life be without our teacher? She is the person who shapes the future of her/his students. She is none other than my class teacher. She is very sincere, hard working teacher and makes our learning process very interesting as well as creative. She's very patient and enthusiastic to teach us whenever we had questions in her classes. I like the way she teaches us. She is a teacher with good skills of teaching, friendly nature, good sense of humor.
She is an excellent teacher that we got so much from her not only knowledge but also kindness and diligence. She is my best teacher, guide and friend. She is one of the most significant person in my life. I feel blessed to be her student.”A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart.”

Aaliya Zainab


As it rustles its pretty feathers,
During the mid of May.
It flees from hunters,
It once was very gay.

Its tri – colored body
Could never be a prey.
As it took flight,
An orange shrub was spotted.
There was hope, just a ray

As it hid.
Footsteps grew louder,
Death came closer
It turned to take off.
Alas, its feathers were stuck,

He heard the hunter’s laugh
At last within his grasp
The peacock turned to its beauty

It paid the ultimate price for it!                                                                                 
                                                                                                                           By:-Aamina Wahid  8D


If I was 18
I’d join the football team
Impossible as it seems
But hey, it’s my dream!

If I was 18
I’d wanna be Invisible
But don’t you think that’s impossible?
Cuz you are not a supernatural!

If I was 18
I wanna be a queen
I’d build my castle
On an Island of just green!

If I was 18
I’d build myself a base,
I’d go to outer space,
And win the Olympic race.

If I was 18
I’d become a film star
I'll have 6 fancy cars
Okay, this Is going too far

When I am 18
I’ll just be me
Other than the UNUSUAL
I’ll be a proud teen


I have patched up some mesmerizing information about the city I love and adore the most. Istanbul is the largest city in turkey making it the crowded and busiest.
There is always a place which makes us dream and Istanbul is one of them with it’s narrow, cobbled street leading to the oldest quarters throughout the fancy suburbs, the sky scraping minarets the bazaars ,golden lit-minarets  and domed roof which twinkles like tiny stars at night in the sky.

Places to visit:
·       Hagia  Sophia
Hagia Sophia is considered the epitome of by Byzantine architecture. Nearly a thousand years it was a cathedral a mosque and currently a museum.
·       The blue mosque
Which does not need an introduction, is also known as Ahmed Mosque with its impressive domed beautiful tiles and stained glass windows.
·       Topkapi  palace
This fifteenth century was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sulthan . The palace gives you information about the Ottoman Empire.
·       The Grand bazaar
The grand bazaar in Istanbul is the worlds’ largest and ancient market in the world, which attracts millions.

The turkey foodJ
I have heard a lot about food in Turkey mainly the street food.
Simit which is chewy bread covered with sesame seeds (you can see simit vendors literally everywhere…)
Pide   which is the Turkish pizza.
Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is  famous on the street.

The journey to this wonderful place sticks with you. The twilight golden glow of streetlight in Istanbul is what calls you back…

Ayesha Hiba


Managing time is a very important part of the life. It helps us to  manage all our daily tasks
Important tips to manage time.
1.     Complete most important tasks first.
This is the golden rule of time management. Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first. Once you’re done, the day has already been a success.
2.     Sleep at least 7-8 hours.
Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to hack productivity and wring a couple extra hours out of the day. This is not the case. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally.
3.     Devote your entire focus to the task at hand.
Close out all other browser windows. Put your phone away, out of sight and on silent. Find a quiet place to work, or listen to some music if that helps you
4.     Don’t allow unimportant details to drag you down.
We often allow projects to take much, much longer than they could by getting too hung up on small details. I’m guilty of this. I’ve always been a perfectionist.
What I’ve found, though, is that it is possible to push past the desire to constantly examine what I’ve done so far.
5.     Be conscientious of amount of TV/Internet/gaming time.
Time spent browsing Twitter or gaming or watching TV and movies can be one of the biggest drains on productivity. It is suggested to become  more aware of how much time you spend on these activities.
Salika Tariq    8A


Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to what are the some of the things you would do.

If I were invisible, there are many things I would do and some of them are that I would help people in the society; I would visit those places where the people who commit crimes wander at large numbers and deter them from committing any sort of crime. I would do my best to stop the attempts of terrorism. I would visit the offices of authorities anytime to watch if they are carrying off their duties properly. If I were invisible I would visit hospitals anytime to watch if the doctors are treating the patients properly.  I would visit the factories to check is if anybody is practicing child labor. I will use my invisibility to fight evils in the society and do well for the people.        

           Done by - Nasiha Fathima    6 – A

Imagine you were twenty feet tall. Describe what life would be like. How would it be different from your life now???

If I was twenty feet tall, my life would be boring. If I was twenty feet tall I cannot even study in The Central School because I’ll be too big and I cannot go inside the building. If I was twenty feet tall, the basic things that I need in my healthy life, I’d be missing that. These three things won’t be perfect for me. The three things are clothes, eating and living. These are the three things that a human need to live a proper life. Firstly, the clothing will be designed individually and it will be sold for those who are twenty feet tall. In this condition, I’ll not be able to wear many clothes in a year, and suppose my clothes get torn I’ll look like a “homeless giant”. Eating will be very difficult for me because of my huge size. I need to eat more food and it will cost lots of money too. Also, living is another problem. This requires more money in all three. I must live in a grand house to sleep, eat and go around. And if I was twenty feet tall life also would be great because I can reach everything up high also for an example like if a person or something stuck in the tree or in a tall building I can easily help them get down. Nobody could defeat me in basketball at all. I will be the best at basketball. I can reach the basket and put the ball and score more points. I have both positive and negative thoughts if I was twenty feet tall.    

Done by: Akruti Nayak    
Class: VI B


Values in our life act as a star in our personality… Values are the brightness of a person’s personality. Values like respect, compassion, honesty, responsibility etc. make us a good person.
     Without moral values, a person is not just incomplete rather is considered completely incomplete.
A person is never judged on his/her looks, he/she is always  liked or disliked based on his/her character and the way he portraits his moral qualities. If the character of a person is not good, none of it matters. Good character in a person is build up by values.
Values work like cement which help build a strong house called character… A person is liked by everyone if he/she has a good behaviour;  the colour complexion, the outer beauty- none of that matters!
So, values are the building blocks which end up building a beautiful and strong tower- a good hearted person…..

                                                                                                                        -RIYA RAJESH KUMAR
                                                                                                                                              8TH B



My dream vacation is to the land of miracles. That place is a land where a person wishes something and it will come true within 30 seconds. I have lots of wishes so; I thought that if I could go to the land of miracles I would wish for many things. also there is no person who is ill. we wo'nt get fever, cough or diseases. there is no person who is poor every one in that land is very rich and healthy. there are no cars there on spaceships are there to travel. if anyone is a thief in that land he/she will be vanished from the city in 24 hours. in that land there is no plants but there are lots of candies and chocolate fountains(:. there are no dark chocolates there, only milk chocolates and white chocolates are available. in that land there is a grandma who's name is nicky. all the children love her. because, she bakes delicious cakes for the whole land one a week. so , that is why my dream vacation is to the land of miracles.

                                                                                                     Done by 
                                                                                                          Nazaha Fathima. 


Thank you God,
For giving me a morning filled with loved, a morning filled with sunshine’s and rainbows…..
Thank you God,
For giving me two buttons that can see the world…..
Thank you God,
For the hands that do the chores.
Thank you…..,
For the two figures that help me walk around the world….
Thank you….,
For the lips that kiss my thoughts into words!
Thank you….,
For the ears that help me listen to all the melodies.
Thank you God,
For the two most special people through whom I see you in person and thank you so much for another special being- the little girl of the house who brightens me up with all her lovely smiles….
I can’t thank you enough for bringing all the wonderful people; I have in my life…
Thank you so much for a peaceful soul to relax my mind when I’m in the troubles of my life….
Thank you God,
For everything you have done, my gratitude will never be enough……
Thank you so much God…..,
For a morning filled with love, a morning filled with sunshine’s and rainbows….!!


Problems of Young People

"Millions of people can believe in you, and yet none of it matters if you don’t believe in yourself.” – Unknown

One of the biggest problems of “Young People” or mostly known as “Teenagers” is being insecure. Believing in ourselves is as hard as learning a new language. We want to bring out the best thing in us, and show it to the world, but then it all stops because of being insecure. As a scientific research showed that at least 10% - 15% of us go through “Insomnia”, which is no sleep for weeks. It mostly happens because of depression and anxiety, which is a common thing among the highschoolers, happening because of discouraging, bullying and criticization.
Being embarrassed in front of others is a great deal to most of the people, it’s all about dignity and self-respect. When we as students go through being embarrassed, the first thought that comes is to put an end to it, for once and for all, some may fight through it and some might think to never exist. If anything bad happens we turn to self-harm and even go on wrong paths which may put our future in danger. These problems are going on every 2nd person’s life it isn’t a big deal. Just chill out because EVERYONE of us is SPECIAL.
