Sunday 18 June 2017


Motivation and enthusiasm manifest as desire and interest, and as a driving force that pushes to take action and pursue goals. Lack of motivation and enthusiasm denotes absence or deficiency in desire, interest and driving force.
Lack of motivation and enthusiasm are two of the main reasons for failure and living a mediocre life, people lacking in motivation and enthusiasm are usually passive. Blame everything and everyone for their circumstances, and often come out with many excuses why they shouldn’t or cannot do this all act.. On the other hand, motivated person is energetic and positive. Takes action to prove his /her life, and does not give up when there are problems.
Lack of motivation and enthusiasm can show of everywhere at home, work in relationships, in pursuing goals and in everything else. This also brings indifference, unhappiness and dissatisfaction. To achieve it you should be motivated and focus, manage agreements imagine success take action daily, repeated success leads to increase motivation, practice kindness also believe in yourself…

By: Haseena Begum


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