Sunday 18 June 2017


                           A STUDENT’S LIFE

The life of a school student is not just studies, hard work and discipline but it’s also fun and the best part of one’s life. School life is generally associated with a lot of studies, homework and examinations. School is, waking up early in the morning, whether it is summer or winter, putting on uniform, hurriedly polishing shoes and rushing to the bus stop to catch the school bus and getting used to the words “Hurry up! You will be late!” You reach school and again the same words “Hurry up!” do not let you rest in peace.
Throughout the day one period gets over, the other starts and you are ready for the second subject the third and so on. When you forget to do your homework, you try to sit at the back and pretend to be looking for something on the floor or in your bag hoping that your teacher would not see you. You are lucky if you are not seen and it is bad luck if you are caught. If you are not lucky, be ready for a good scolding or detention during break or after school. Examination days are tough, you do not have time to play pranks, make fun; you can only study and at the most pray so that you come out with flying colours. However, school is not so dull all the time, the games, library period and recess time is a welcome break, when you can relax, joke and have fun with your friends. School can be fun, real fun, when picnics and field trips are organized. We wait for them keenly and keep on requesting our class teacher to organize one for us. Debates, quizzes, cultural progammes also add luster to an otherwise dull school life which is often restricted to studies. It is not that one does not enjoy studies but continuous studies of 5 hours can become a little difficult. If a class is boring then there are some, who tend to pretend them ill, just to go to the dispensary. Many a times, it works but at times boomerangs also when the nurse sees through them and they are March back to the class with their head bowed.
And Oh! I forgot, bunking classes and not being caught, is another adventure in a student’s life though there are only a few, very daring one who can take this liberty. Majority of students are good and would never anything which could make them stand outside the Principal’s office. In short, a student’s life is all about a lot of discipline, hard work, moments of fun and enjoyment. Fun increase after real hard work and you tend to enjoy more than those who had been lazy and have wasted their time. I think this period of your life is most wonderful period full of dreams and hope not a care in the world, except for studying.

Navika Maglani
10 B


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