Sunday 18 June 2017

The silent cry of the Teenagers

The silent cry of the Teenagers
Teenagers are the most misunderstood people on the Earth. The problem is that everyone treats them like children but expect them to behave like adults. They go through a lot of changes. So, it would be better to give them some time. Teenagers are supposed to know everything, behave properly and are matured enough to take their own decisions. But we often neglect our part-teach them, give them training, show them how to make decision. Obviously, some teenagers go on the wrong path but judging all of them based on a few is not fair.

   Teenagers are trying hard to fit in and please everyone but instead of encouragement all they get is discouragement. They work, Study, Spend time with family and maintain their social life while going through all sorts of emotion.

I agree that some teenagers are taking advantage of their freedom but again how can you blame them. It’s just their age. Now let’s see how modern era , when everyone is behind development, money and advancement  parents too wish the best for their children but they miss one important perspective. Having cool , rich parents or having all the latest gadgets is not important , The most important is the time they spend with their children. Time is the best healer and can make or bring wonders.

  I strongly believe that communication and trust between the family members can reduce the deaths of some skilled and accomplished minds. If teenagers know that they can trust their parents and tell them about their problem, self-harm cases can be reduced. If they communicate regularly, parents as well the children will know that they love them and no matter what happens, their parents will support them and help them through .This will take our world to a whole new level and all the bullies in the world will know that their reign of torture is over. It will make this world a happier place to live.

Aisha Thanveer
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