Wednesday 4 October 2017


A girl name Isabelle lived in New York City she has short-term memory loss. She is orphan her dream is to become a scientist but she can’t remember anything. She always felt alone no one will be with her but she found a school only for orphans, she understands everything whatever they taught her.
She got an idea to write daily diary book then she wrote everything that happened in her life. Then she started trying to remember everything happened in her life she studies hard she tried to remember her parents but she can't.Years later Isabelle grew up in her school a scientist came she answer everything very well. Then the scientist asked have you ever invented something she told yes.Then she became a scientist, she remembers somethings that distracted her, then she remembers that it was her parents she got an idea to build a time machine she builds it. Then she wore a mask and went to the time when she was born and she saw a young girl taking a baby away from their parents, she thought it is not good so she followed the girl and she saw that the girl left the baby and she was waiting till the girl leave. Then she ran to the baby, Isabelle carried herself and gave the baby to her parents. The parents thanked her; about her thankfulness, they kept her name to the baby as Isabelle. Then she went back to the time she realizes something that if she reunited them, then so she ran as fast as she can when she saw her mother and father she hug them they didn’t understand anything. They asked her what happened Isabelle she told that secrets never to be told.                                                   

                                                                                                                      M. Aazeen Riya


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