Wednesday 4 October 2017

The Snowflake and Mankind

Behold! The beauty of the snowflake;
Gently touching the crystal clear lake.
Little does it know that this is its end;
But after it falls, there’s no hand to lend.
Of Course, by touching the lake it does vanish.
The whole of mankind is foolish in spending in lavish.
A snowflake so stunning even if made of dust;
A man is so cunning and not very just.
Isn’t it God’s marvelous miniature carving?
Is beauty every creature’s craving?
Every snowflake is a unique symmetrical hexagon;
But for man, discrimination is a national phenomenon.
Mankind! You have a lesson to learn;
It is to God you shall have to return.
Your beauty will make your boast in vain.
But in the end, you shall suffer the pain.
Even the snowflake so beautifully carved;
Shall face its end as if it is reserved.
So, mankind! Never wish for the worldly things;
You never know what it brings.



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